I have relatively long, brown, bronzed curly hair. Similar to others with the same hair type, my hair looks shorter than what it is. It took years to determine the right cut and style for the type of hair I have. If certain areas were cut too short it would curl up higher than another section. The biggest issue was to make sure the hairdresser did not cut the front straight across, but to cut at an angle that would lie perfectly with the shape of my face. Note: If you find a hair dresser that cuts and styles your curls the way you love, continue using the same stylist. Do not waste your time exploring other salons to see what else is out there.

styles for long hair hairstyles curly hair

styles for long hair hairstyles curly hair

Often at times, I will decide to do something drastic to my curly hair look. It could be cutting it as short as possible without looking like an afro or getting it highlighted lighter or coloring it darker. As with any type of hair that has been colored or highlighted, the upkeep is the hardest! I spend at least 2 to 3 hours at the hair salon (majority of the time spent applying the color and tin foil) and over $250 towards my bill. These salon splurges usually occur every 6 to 7 months, so choosing a color tone that will look good 7 months later is the key. As the curly hair grows out, the color should continue to look natural and effortless.
styles for long hair hairstyles curly hair

styles for long hair hairstyles curly hair

Curly hair is something straight haired girls want, and natural curly haired girls want to get rid of. It is a lose-lose situation if you are always wanting something you do not have. Continuously blow-drying and flat ironing curls will eventually damage and fry the hair. It may just be a phase you are going through and all of sudden one day you wish to go natural, what then?
styles for long hair hairstyles curly hair

styles for long hair hairstyles curly hair

styles for long hair hairstyles curly hair

styles for long hair hairstyles curly hair

styles for long hair hairstyles curly hair

styles for long hair hairstyles curly hair

styles for long hair hairstyles curly hair

styles for long hair hairstyles curly hair

styles for long hair hairstyles curly hair

styles for long hair hairstyles curly hair

styles for long hair hairstyles curly hair

styles for long hair hairstyles curly hair

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